Academic Preparation for US College Admission

College is the most important stage of a student’s life. A college education is important for student to unlock career opportunities. Getting a college education in America is a big task and as a student you should start your academic preparations as early as the sixth grade. Schools should play an important role in helping a student preparing for post-secondary education.

Tips for Middle and Junior High School

Taking up an appropriate course in middle and junior high school is the right direction for a student in the US who wants to seriously pursue higher education in college. Courses that a student at this stage should take are:

Math: Algebra and Geometry are the foundation for most of the science and math courses in college. A student should study algebra in the 8th grade and geometry in the 9th grade.

English, Science, History or Geography:  This is the next set of core subjects that a student should be equipped with, if he or she wants to pursue higher education in college. All standardized exams like SAT, GRE, GMAT, and TOEFL tests a student’s knowledge in English. See International Tests

Foreign Language, Computer Science, the Arts: Most colleges expect students to have knowledge of arts, foreign languages and computer science, irrespective of the course he or she takes. Students should take advantage of every opportunity to learn about these subjects.

Tips for High School Students

As a high school student, choices that you make at this stage will help you prepare for the expectations and realities of the college curriculum. You should choose your electives in such a manner that it is able to meet your graduation requirements.

In the United States students don't have to take a major in high school. Taking senior level courses in English, math, natural science, language, and a social science is essential. For students wanting to pursue engineering, they should opt for a second level of physics. If you wish to pursue science at a higher level, opting for calculus at the highest level is preferable. 
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