Standardized Tests in the USA
If you dream to study in US, the first step is to appear for one of the
many standardized test depending upon their choice of field of study.
Why Standardized Tests?
These tests are
important as they determine the skills and aptitude of applicants from
different educational environments and countries.
United States being the education hub of the world it becomes necessary that all the students across the world are evaluated on the same parameter and standardized tests serve this purpose well.
Most of the U.S. colleges and universities entail
undergraduate and graduate students to display their knowledge on
various subjects and English language proficiency as part of the
admissions procedure through such “standardized tests”. Your scores in these tests will
determine your admission to schools of your choice; therefore it is
advisable that you find out as much as you can about them before you
actually take them.
What are Standardized Tests?
A standardized test can be characterized as to have fixed number of question, preset management procedures, and distinguished scoring patterns. Such tests always done through certain rules and specifications so that testing conditions are the identical for all the applicants.
Standardized tests can be categorized as standardized interviews, intelligence tests or quizzes. The advantage of standardized tests is they are reliable and valid than non-standardized procedures. Such tests always offer a “standard score” which can be viewed as an assessment of a person’s ability to succeed in his future endeavors.
To make things simpler for you has classified the standardized tests on the basis of education level. Here is a list of some common exams and tests required to be academically prepared at different level of education.
List of Tests as Per Education Level