How is Senior High School different from Junior High?

There are different kinds of Junior High and Senior High Schools in  the United States. Based on various factors such as family opinion, competition, extracurricular activities, class size. We at have compiled some differences  to help you analyze the transformation from junior high to senior high.

 Junior High
 High School
Also known as Middle school or Intermediate school.
Secondary School. Some states split grades 9–10 and 11–12 into a "junior high school" and "senior high school"
 Junior high or Middle school is the level of education between elementary school and high school.
Senior most level education before college.
 Grade 6-8, but in some schools there is an  overlap of the 9th grade, typically  referred as "junior high schools".

 Grade 9-12

 Middle school ages range from 11-14.

 High school ages range from 14-18
 The classes are usually a set of four subjects with two to four other classes, either electives or supplementary or remedial academic classes. In high school, students can choose their majors subjects. The choice given to students varies from state to state and school to school
More extracurricular activities.Sports, now become an integral part. From hereon the students can choose,  to take it professionally.
More cases of bullying and peer pressureIncreased Academic workload.

Relatively less number of students
 The number of enrollments in first year of  high school are more, which is known as known as "high School Bulge". But since there are many failures in grade 9, many students choose to dropout of the school which is known as "high school dip"
 Smaller class size Large Class size
More involvement of parents
Relatively less or none -involvement of the parents
 More focus on overall development
 Students become more career oriented
 The number of teachers teaching in the class are maximum 2-3.
 The number of teachers increases to 6-7, so the adjustment becomes really difficult

Also known as Middle school or Intermediate school however subjects taught are common in general. Can be classified into:
• General High School
• Vocational School
•  Magnet Schools
• College Preparatory High  School
• Special High Schools
• Online High School

The transition from junior high to high school can be difficult, not only in terms of more number of students and new environment  but also in terms of increased academic pressure. To help your child  overcome the stress, it is important that parents are more involved in their children in education.  
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