Admission Requirements for Top 5 Mechanical Engineering Schools
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
The application deadline for MIT is January 1, and the early action deadline is November1. Standardized Test Scores for either the ACT / SAT or TOEFL test are considered.
Interview is also the part of the admission procedure.SAT/ACT scores must be received by the Institute by February 15. For native English Z speakers the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT plus Writing with the writing test is preferred. In addition, two SAT Subject Tests: one in math (level 1 or 2), and one in science (physics, chemistry, or biology e/m) is essentially considered. For non-native English speakers either tests required for native English speakers or the TOEFL and two SAT Subject Tests, one in math (level 1 or 2) and one in science (physics, chemistry, or biology e/m) is considered. Because MIT is an English medium university, language proficiency is crucial.
Along with the standardized scores and interview, on-line application forms need to be filled and submitted.
For graduate admission, MIT MECHE considers a complete application form, three letters of recommendation, official transcripts, and GRE results.
Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
The Regular Decision application deadline for Stanford University is January 2, and the early action deadline is November 4. Standardized Test Scores for either the ACT / SAT or TOEFL test are considered. SAT/ACT scores must be submitted. It is most selective, with an acceptance rate of 6.6 percent. Standardized test scores, an application form, school reports, official transcripts and common application essay are mandatory for admission. The application essay must be of minimum 250 and maximum 650 words. The basic idea behind application essay as a part of admission procedure is to gauge the character and thoughts. Essay writing basically reflects the applicant’s voice.
For graduate program, application form, application fee, Statement of Purpose, ME Supplementary Form, Three Letters of Recommendation, Official transcripts, GRE General Results, and Product Design Portfolio. GRE general results must be from an examination taken within the last five years. No GRE Subject test is required.
University of California-Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
The application filling deadline is November 30 and acceptance is early January. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are considered and due December 31. It is most selective, with an acceptance rate of 18 percent. For admissions, it also considers UC application. University of California-Berkeley takes into account both academics and non-academics. It follows a holistic approach for assessing the applicant. The applicant’s full record of achievements in high school, including the number and rigor of courses taken and grades earned in those courses. Personal qualities of the applicant, including leadership ability, character, motivation etc., and demonstrated concern for others and for the community are considered.
California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA)
California Institute of Technology application deadline is January 3, and the early action deadline is November 1. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are considered and due December 31. SAT w/writing or ACT w/writing is considered. Also, SAT Mathematics Level 2, 1 SAT Subject test: Biology, Physics or Chemistry though recommended for Mechanical engineering is Physics are mandatory. Caltech uses the Common Application for freshman admission.
For graduate program, the application deadline is December 15. An application form, fee, Statement of Purpose, GRE, TOEFL/IELTS scores, Official transcripts, and three letters of recommendation are required. Also, list titles of publications or major papers, if published.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech considers Standardized test scores, Honors, extracurricular activities, essays and work experience for admission. GA Tech accepts both the tests SAT and ACT. GA Tech uses all three portions of the SAT and/or the three equivalent parts of the ACT i.e.
- SAT Critical Reading = ACT English
- SAT Math = ACT Math
- SAT Writing = ACT Combined English/Writing
- Only the highest section scores from wither test is viewed in the evaluation process.
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