Top 10 Best Grad Schools for Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Mechanical engineering at MIT “MechE” makes the use of lab subjects, giving students the opportunity to apply methodology to current engineering problems with hands-on lab work. By emphasizing both analytical and creative methods, MechE give students the broad skills set they need to pursue their goals. It seeks to provide, in the atmosphere of a professional school, the widest possible opportunity for advanced study and investigation.
Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University aim is to help produce academic and industry leaders. At the graduate level, the ME program aligns academic course work with research, to prepare scholars in specialized areas within the field of mechanical engineering. Human-centered design and design for sustainability are themes that span all of the programs in the department.
University of California - Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
Berkeley Mechanical Engineering is the top ranked public mechanical engineering program in the nation and consistently ranked as one of the top mechanical engineering departments in the world. The Mechanical Engineering Department offers a complete program of graduate study and research in both traditional and innovative areas within mechanical engineering. The teaching and research laboratories at UC Berkeley are among the most active, innovative and productive in the nation.
California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA)
Mechanical Engineering at Caltech has a century-long record of excellence. Mechanical Engineering offers both graduate and undergraduate programs that seek to train future technological leaders. Caltech offer an ABET-accredited undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
The Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering is the oldest and second largest of the ten divisions in the College of Engineering at Georgia Tech. The research activities of the faculty and students are varied and the size of the program allows them to provide challenging experiences for the students in areas beyond the typical core of mechanical engineering programs. The undergraduate and graduate programs are consistently highly ranked in the nation. The undergraduate program is ranked third and the graduate program is ranked fifth according to the U.S. News and World Report.
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, MI)
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at the University of Michigan (U-M) is one of the nation's top mechanical engineering programs. The Department's research efforts are having significant impact on our society as well as on the scientific community.
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (Urbana, IL)
The undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois is consistently ranked as among the best in the United States. MechSE offers baccalaureate degrees in engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering. MechSE Graduate Programs are consistently ranked in the top six programs in the nation.
Purdue University--West Lafayette (West Lafayette, IN)
The Undergraduate program in mechanical engineering is ranked #7 and the graduate program is ranked #8 as per U.S. News and World Report. The School of Mechanical Engineering has become synonymous with accomplishment and leadership in engineering education and engineering research.
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is committed to offering educational programs that develop knowledge of the technical foundations of engineering, increase enthusiasm for learning and the engineering profession, broadens understanding of humanities and social sciences, and equips the student with marketable skills. Undergraduates at Cornell University have many opportunities for individual research and study.
Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
Princeton's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is a part of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Intellectual independence and creativity are fostered among undergraduate students through participation in research, design and other project opportunities. Graduate students explore the frontiers of science and technology through a wide range of scholarly activities.