Tips for Parents
Preparation for college should start as early as middle school. It is important for your middle school child to lay stress on subjects like English, Math and Science. These subjects are important for getting admission to colleges for higher education. If your child is in high school, it is time for you to start college preparations for your child. Things that you and your child can do together to start early college preparations are:
- Encourage your child to stay focused and motivated. Your child should work towards specific goals that he or she has set.
- Visit colleges and campuses together, if you haven’t already! Start short listing colleges and courses that your child wants to study.
- Find out the actual cost of the college by using the net price calculator. This will help you to calculate the financial aid your child would require for covering college expenses.
- Prepare a calendar with your child and follow all the application deadlines. Your child needs to fill in FAFSA much in advance, if s/he needs financial aid.
- Help your child prepare for standardized tests. A child should prepare for standardized tests s/he wants to sit for.
- Ask your child to consult school counselors before applying to colleges.
- Help your child to make early applications to colleges. Early applications are usually due in November. However, you should be aware of the pros and cons of early application as you are bound to the college if it's offering you good financial package.
- He or she would need all the help to reply to mails once colleges start replying.